By Gabriel Louër

Volunteer Manitoba is a non-profit organization located in downtown Winnipeg dedicated to promoting and supporting volunteerism across the province, helping to enrich communities in the process.
Its mission is to connect people with volunteer opportunities and to help build the capacity of community agencies, charities, and non-profits that serve the needs of Manitobans. Volunteers play an essential role in maintaining the vitality of communities, without the dedication of committed volunteers many cherished programs and events could cease to exist.
One of Volunteer Manitoba's core services is its training and capacity-building initiatives, designed to enhance the effectiveness of non-profits and support their volunteers. The organization offers a variety of workshops focused on three key areas: board governance, volunteer management, and general capacity building.
Board governance is an integral piece to the success of any organization. Often, however, many boards face challenges in understanding their role and responsibilities. With the help of Volunteer Manitoba workshops are available that teach board members about financial oversight, risk management, evaluation, and planning. These sessions help develop a competent board capable of governing and responding to challenges in the long term.
In addition, Volunteer Manitoba also provides support to organizations when it comes to recruitment and retention of volunteers. This support includes training on best practices for volunteer management, helping to create long-term relationships with volunteers.
Further, the organization also provides training initiatives in general capacity building which includes sessions on bookkeeping, budgeting and marketing strategies with the aim of increasing engagement. With these programs Volunteer Manitoba hopes to promote sustainable organizations that can prosper independently.
Extending beyond the province, the non-profit is coordinating its efforts with Volunteer Canada to help develop the National Volunteer Action Strategy. The decline in volunteer participation, exacerbated by the pandemic and an aging population, has prompted the need for a strategy that revitalizes volunteerism and addresses its evolving challenges.
In the post-pandemic era, many organizations have found it difficult to source dedicated volunteers to fill their vacancies, particularly when it comes to recruiting for positions requiring specialized skills.
To address these challenges, Volunteer Manitoba has had to change its approach. The organization now runs a program called “Board Connect,” which matches individuals with non-profit boards based on their skills and interests.
Moreover, the changing landscape of volunteering has effectively forced many organizations to reconsider their approach to volunteering. That is, moving toward more part-time roles with fewer commitments such as embracing virtual opportunities.
When it comes to Indigenous engagement and reconciliation efforts, Volunteer Manitoba is also working to create a more inclusive space for Indigenous community members; particularly with respect to leadership positions. One of the organization’s key initiatives is to decolonize traditional board governance, which involves reimagining traditional decision-making structures by integrating Indigenous practices.
Looking ahead, Volunteer Manitoba hopes to continue its commitment of strengthening communities by supporting volunteerism and helping non-profits thrive in the new volunteer landscape.
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